
This page lists all the constants available in the VisualScript SDK for specific methods from ShapeTypes to Arrowheads.


This lets you choose the kind of shape connector to use in your diagram. ShapeConnectors determine how shapes will be connected and how shapes will behave in the diagram.

For example, for a flowchart, shapes will be evenly spaced along a connector and, for a hierarchy, shapes will be added to a tree attached to a parent shape.

  • Flowchart - Shapes are added along an evenly-spaced horizontal or vertical shape connector.
  • DecisionTree - Shapes are added as peers to a parent shape in either a horizontal or vertical arrangement.
  • Mindmap - Shapes are added as peers to a parent shape in either a horizontal or vertical arrangement.
  • OrgChart - Shapes are added as a horizontal or vertical tree stemming from a parent shape.
  • Hierarchy - Shapes are added as a horizontal tree stemming from a parent shape.
VS.ShapeConnectorTypes =
				Flowchart: "Flowchart",
				DecisionTree: "Decisiontree",
				Mindmap: "Mindmap",
				OrgChart: "Orgchart",
				Hierarchy: "Hierarchy",


This lets you specify the arrangement of shapes in a ShapeContainer. Shapes can be aligned in a square grid pattern (default), in a row, or in a column.

VS.ShapeContainerArrangement =
				Row: "Row",
				Column: "Column",
				Matrix: "Square",


Specify the style of the shape to be added to the document.

VS.ShapeTypes =
				RoundedRectangle: "RRect",
				Oval: "Oval",
				Circle: "Circle",
				Square: "Square",
				Diamond: "Diamond",


Used to indicate the type of data in a data table. This changes how the data behaves.

  • Text - The data type is a string of text.
  • Int - The data type is a whole number (an integer).
  • Float - The data type is a decimal number (a double floating point number).
  • Bool - The data type is a boolean value (either true or false).
  • Date - The data type is a date string (YYYY/MM/DD).
VS.DataColumnTypes =
				Text: "string",
				Int: "int",
				Float: "float",
				Bool: "bool",


Align shapes or text horizontally.

VS.TextAlignH =
				Left: "left",
				Right: "right",
				Center: "center",


Align shapes or text vertically.

VS.TextAlignV =
				Top: "top",
				Bottom: "bottom",
				Middle: "middle",


Specify how a shape will grow if it holds more text than it can display.

  • Proportional - Grow both vertically and horizontally while maintaining the original proportions of the shape.
  • Vertical - Grow vertically only.
  • Horizontal - grow horizontally only.
VS.TextGrow = 
				Horizontal: "Horizontal",
				Vertical: "Vertical",


Specify the pattern of a line: solid, dotted, or made from dashes.

VS.LinePatterns =
				Solid: "Solid",
				Dotted: "Dotted",
				Dashed: "Dashed"


Describe the type of arrowhead to use at the end of a line.

VS.Arrowheads =
				None: 0,
				Filled: 1,
				LineArrow: 2,
				Fancy: 3,
				FilledCircle: 4,
				EmptyCircle: 5,
				FilledSquare: 6,
				EmptySquare: 7,
				CrowsFoot: 8,
				BackSlash: 9,
				FilledCrowsFoot: 10,
				Diamond: 11,
				ZeroToMany: 12,
				OneToMany: 13,
				ZeroToOne: 14,
				OneToOne: 15,
				OneToZero: 16,
				CenterFilled: 17,
				CenterLineArrow: 18,
				CenterFancy: 19,
				Double: 20,
				DimensionFilled: 21,
				DimensionPlain: 22,
				DimensionLine: 23,
				Metafile: 24,
				ArcDown: 25,
				ArcUp: 26,
				HalfUp: 27,
				HalfDown: 28,
				CenterCross: 29,
				HalfLineUp: 30,
				HalfLineDown: 31,
				ForwardSlash: 32,
				OpenFilled: 33,
				OpenCrowsFoot: 34,
				OpenDiamond: 35,
				Cross: 36,
				IndicatorDown: 37,
				IndicatorUp: 38,
				RoundEnd: 39


Choose the icon to appear for a note in a shape. The note option is a yellow sticky note. The info option is a blue circle with an i.

VS.NoteIcons =
				Note: "Note",
				Info: "Info",


This chooses the type of line for the return.

VS.ReturnLineTypes =
				Standard: "Standard",
				Curved: "Curved",
				Straight: "Straight",


This is used to indicate the direction of a connector.

VS.Directions =
				Left: "Left",
				Right: "Right",
				Top: "Top",
				Bottom: "Bottom",
				Up: "Up",


This can let you choose the arrangement of shapes on an org chart or hierarchy chart.

  • Row - Horizontal row of shapes.
  • Stagger - Horizontal row of shapes with staggered distances from the parent.
  • Column - A vertical column of shapes to the right of the connector line.
  • LeftColumn - A vertical column of shapes to the left of the connector line.
  • TwoColumn - A vertical column arranged with shapes on both sides of the connector line.
VS.ConnectorArrangement =
				Row: "Row",
				Stagger: "Stagger",
				Column: "Column",
				LeftColumn: "LeftColumn",
				TwoColumn: "TwoColumn",


Choosing a template type sets the behavior of lines and shapes.

VS.Templates =


Indicate which holidays to observe and not count as working days on a Gantt chart

VS.GanttChartHolidays =
				None: "None",
				USA: "USA",
				UK: "UK",
				Australia: "Australia",
				Canada: "Canada",


The list of column names that can be used on a Gantt chart. Using them makes them appear on the Gantt chart. Some have default properties that can be overriden.

  • Row - Numerical index of a row. Defaults to index in the array of rows.
  • Task - The description of a task. Defaults to empty.
  • Start - The start date of the task in YYYY-MM-DD format. Defaults to the current date.
  • Length - The length of the task in days (can be a decimal). Defaults to 5.
  • End - The end date of the task in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Parent - The ID of the parent task. Defaults to no parent.
  • Master - The ID of the task that has to be completed before this task can begin (a dependency).
  • Person - The name of the person for the assigned task. Defaults to empty.
  • PercentComplete - The percent completion of the task. Defaults to 0.
  • Department - A text field used for indicating which department a task belongs to. Defaults to empty.
  • Cost - The cost of a task. Defaults to empty.
  • Custom - A custom user text field.
VS.GanttChartColumnNames =
				Row: "Row",
				Task: "Task",
				Start: "Start",
				Length: "Length",
				End: "End",
				Parent: "Parent",
				Master: "Master",
				Person: "Person",
				PercentComplete: "PercentComplete",
				Department: "Department",
				Cost: "Cost",
				Custom: "Custom",


Specify the style of a timeline.

VS.Timeline_Arrangements =
				Row1: "Row-1",
				Grid1: "Grid-1",
				GridBlock1: "Grid-Block1",
				GridSwimlane1: "Grid-Swimlane1",


Options for choosing the units of scale on your timeline.

VS.TimelineUnits =
				HundredYear: 100, // 100 years in days
				FiftyYear: 50, // 50 years in days
				TenYear: 10, // Ten years in days
				FiveYear: 5, // Five years in days
				TwoYear: 2, // Two years in days
				Year: 365, // One year in days
				Quarter: 92, // one quarter
				Month: 31, // one month
				Week: 7, // one week
				Day: 1, // one day
				TwelveHour: -12, // 12 hours
				SixHour: -6, // six hours
				FourHour: -4, // four hours
				TwoHour: -2, // two hours
				Hour: -1, // hour


The style of the shape added as an event to a timeline.

  • Bubble - a circle
  • BubbleVertical - a circle with the text vertical
  • BubbleTextOnly - a vertical line of text with no shape around it
  • GridBullet - A circle with a line with an arrow pointing away from it
  • GridBar - A thick bar with rounded corners that extends over a period of time
VS.Timeline_EventTypes =
				Bubble: "Bubble",
				BubbleVertical: "Bubble-Vertical",
				BubbleTextOnly: "TextOnly",
				GridBullet: "Grid-Bullet",
				GridBar: "Grid-Bar",


Position bubble type events on timelines. This is applicable to row type timelines that appear as a single, thick line going from left to right. Above or Below refer to being above or below the row and the events will attach to the edge of the row's shape. Center refers to the middle point along the height of the row.

VS.Timeline_BubbleEventPositions =
				Above: "above",
				AboveCenter: "above-center",
				Below: "below",
				BelowCenter: "below-center",
				Alternate: "alternate",
				AlternateCenter: "alternate-center",
				LabelRow: "label-row",


VS.Timeline_RowIndexes =
				Year: "year",
				Date: "date",
				Event: "event",


This lets you specify the type of gauge added to the shape.

VS.Gauge_Types =
				RadialDetail: "RadialGauge",
				RadialDetailTop: "RadialGaugeTop",
				RadialSimpleTop: "RadialSimpleTop",
				RadialSimpleLeft: "RadialSimpleLeft",
				RadialSimpleBottom: "RadialSimpleBottom",
				RadialSimpleRight: "RadialSimpleRight",
				RadialSimpleFull: "RadialSimpleFull",
				RadialRangeTop: "RadialRangeTop",
				RadialRangeLeft: "RadialRangeLeft",
				RadialRangeBottom: "RadialRangeBottom",
				RadialRangeRight: "RadialRangeRight",
				RadialRangeFull: "RadialRangeFull",
				LinearDetailHorizontal: "LinearGauge",
				LinearDetailRampHorizontal: "LinearDetailRampHorizontal",
				LinearSimpleHorizontal: "LinearSimpleHorizontal",
				LinearSimpleRampHorizontal: "LinearSimpleRampHorizontal",
				LinearRangeHorizontal: "LinearRangeHorizontal",
				LinearRangeRampHorizontal: "LinearRangeRampHorizontal",
				LinearDetailVertical: "LinearGaugeVertical",
				LinearDetailRampVertical: "LinearDetailRampVertical",
				LinearSimpleVertical: "LinearSimpleVertical",
				LinearSimpleRampVertical: "LinearSimpleRampVertical",
				LinearRangeVertical: "LinearRangeVertical",
				LinearRangeRampVertical: "LinearRangeRampVertical",

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