Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)

Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)

Create Trusts examples like this template called Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) that you can easily edit and customize in minutes.

Text in this Example:

Charity (-ies)
You and spouse
(if married)
Income Beneficiaries
During Your Lifetime
Upon death,
Charity receives
residual of trust
assets (bypasses
from Trust
Irrevocable trust
No capital gains taxes -- ideal for highly appreciated assets, like real estate
Can be combined with other strategies, such as Legacy Trusts
Under certain conditions, may serve as trustee of the CRT to maintain full investment control of the assets
Income tax deduction in the amount of the present value of the remainder interest to the charity
No contribution limits (ideal for retirement planning strategy)
May change charitable beneficiaries at any time
Income can be drawn at a percentage determined by you, but generally not to exceed 10% each year

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