Law of Intestacy

Law of Intestacy

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Are you married?
Law of Intestacy
Spouse gets it all
Is your estete work more than £125K?
Do you have brothers or sisters?
Do you have parents?
Do you have children?
Spouse gets personal chatteis plus £125K plus life interest in 1/2 the residue. Children receive the balance and the first half on death of that spouse.
Spouse gets personal chattels plus £200K plus 1/2 the residue. Parents receive the balance.
Spouse gets personal chattels plus £200K plus 1/2 the residue. Brothers & Sisters receive the balance
Shared equally between them.
Crown gets it all
Do you have uncles or aunts?
Do you have grandparents?
Do you have grandchildren?
When a decedent does not leave a legally binding will, this state is called dying intestate. The estate of a decedent (an estate is the sum of the decedent's property), who dies intestate is distributed according to the intestacy laws where the decedent was domiciled and/or where the decedent owned real property. Federal law leaves the creation of intestacy laws largely up to the states. Consequently, intestacy laws and judicial decisions vary from state to state. Intestacy statutes basically "create" a will for the decedent if the individual died intestate.

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