Name - Data from this column is set to Show in Shape as the first row of text.
Title - This will show up as the second row of text inside the shape.
Hyperlink - This will add a hyperlink to the specified URL inside the shape. You use this to add links to employee records for example.
Photo - Use this column to add a URL to an image for the person. If a photo column exists, SmartDraw will split the org chart shape so that the left side of the shape will display the photo.
Other - These columns are set to appear in the data layer (Show in Data) by default and not inside the shape itself.
You can change this using the display menu. Once the org chart is built, you can find this information by hovering over the blue "i" icon in the
lower right corner of an org chart shape. Other columns are added to the shape after the Name and Title in left to right order.